5411 Western Avenue • 5310 43rd Street | NW Washington, DC 20015 | p: 202.244.5115 | f: 202.244.5116 | contactus@friendshipchildren.org


This page makes available the various forms that are needed by prospective applicants and families that are currently enrolled at the Friendship Children’s Center.

Enrollment Application

Families who submit an enrollment application and pay the required fees will be placed on the school’s wait-list. They will also be told of the approximate waiting time until a space becomes available in the appropriate classroom. There is no guarantee that a space will become available at the time services are needed or when the space was anticipated to be available. Siblings of children currently enrolled in the Friendship Children’s Center are moved to the top of the wait-list, followed by children of school employees. Wait-listed parents are encouraged to inform the Director of any changes in the status of their application or request for care.

Annual Re-Registration Fact Sheet and Forms

In April, each student currently enrolled in our school is required to reconfirm their registration for the coming school year. All of the following forms must be submitted along with the $250 re-registration fee:

  • Re-Registration Application Form
  • Registration Record For Child Receiving Care Away From Home
  • Authorization For Emergency Medical Treatment
  • Fee & Service Agreement